Dear SCCDA Family,
I am excited to have the opportunity to serve as the SCCDA leader for the 2024-2025 year! Thank you to the SCCDA family for allowing me to continue the work of our former leaders.
Susan Bennett led the SCCDA 2023-2024 year with the mission of “Value Added”. With her leadership, SCCDA has grown in many ways, including retaining and growing membership, increasing the value of our organization to its members through members only opportunities and resources, and fostered a greater sense of community within the organization by establishing sponsorships at the Fall 2023 conference, hosting quarterly virtual chats open to the public, and launching a “Did You Know” social media campaign.
It seems only appropriate after an amazing year of growth for SCCDA that the theme of the 2024-2025 year is “Momentum”. This year my goal is that SCCDA will continue the momentum gained from adding value and move forward even stronger as South Carolina’s association for everyone who has an interest in career and workforce development!
A few objectives to build momentum in the coming year include:
Develop partnerships with community and business leaders
Grow the SCCDA social media presence to include YouTube
Host regional in-person networking events
The SCCDA family comprises all career development constituencies: K-12, higher education, government and community, business and industry, and private practice. By utilizing our existing membership, we can develop strong partnerships with the community, leading to more professional development opportunities, sponsorship opportunities, and member resources.
The SCCDA technology and communication teams have worked hard to grow the SCCDA social media presence and communications to membership. This year, the teams will work together to build the SCCDA YouTube channel as another resource for members and to expand our social media presence.
Now that our society has adapted to the pandemic, I find it appropriate to remind career practitioners of the power of in-person networking! We connect and learn so much when we meet in person, and that is when we get the real human experience. SCCDA will host one quarterly meet-up in each of the 4 regions of the state (Upstate, Midlands, Pee Dee, and Lowcountry) as an opportunity to share best practices, network, and grow our membership and partnerships.
With the amazing resources, experience, membership, and talented board members already within SCCDA, I know this year will be filled with momentous momentum! I am thrilled to lead SCCDA this year to continue its mission of inspiring all career and workforce development professionals in our state!
Jewel Canty